Hello Guix, A while back I toyed with the idea of a "Sources DVD" for Guix, much like Trisquel has. While looking into the feasability of this, I noticed that the git/svn/cvs/hg checkouts our packages use are not compressed in the store. So I wrote a simple script to compare the raw size of all source checkouts with their corresponding xz-compressed tarballs. At the time, I couldn't convince myself the trouble was worth the effort; we had only 385MiB of uncompressed source checkouts, which would compress to 135MiB. Since that initial investigation, the number of packages using VCS checkouts has risen from 50 to 389, and the on-disk size of that source has risen to 3784MiB uncompressed. We could compress that down to 538MiB. Compression in not free, but I think it would be nice for our build servers who have to store and serve (which, iirc, requires them to compress it anyhow) this source. What do people think? `~Eric