On Sat, Jan 20, 2018 at 02:57:22AM +0000, Matthew Rennekamp wrote: > Hello all. > I've tried (albeit with little effort) a couple times to install v12 and v14 from the USB images. However, neither times worked, so I'm taking care of school in the meantime. > I found out while looking through documentation that ready vm images were made, and I was surprised because these weren't noted on the main (gnu.org/software/guix) website, but I had found a mention on https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/manual/html_node/Running-GuixSD-in-a-VM.html (doc #/page 6.2.14). We offer VM images on the download page as "GuixSD 0.14.0 QEMU Image": https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/download/ > I booted it up, but I have one question: where am I supposed to find a working login and password? Is it listed somewhere, or alternatively, who publishes these? You should be able to log in as root with no password. HTH!