Hi all, I just found out that people.mozilla.com is no more: > https://github.com/mozilla/charts/issues/39 The homepage (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Projects/SpiderMonkey/Releases/38) of mozjs-38 states: > The download url is outdated and SpiderMonkey not RELEASE alone! Get it here mozilla-esr38 > You will find it in "Firefox Extended Support Release 38" package on hg release This page leads to: > https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-esr38/archive/tip.tar.bz2 Which gives you a 170MiB (!) Download from their hg. We have 2.5 choices: 1) look into archive.org if they have saved the tarball. pro: ? contra: rely on archive.org 1.5) Use the tarballs I still had available and published right now here: https://d.n0.is/d/v/mozjs/ or https://d.n0.is/dist/vault/mozjs/ The 2nd link is just a symlink to the first. pro: smaller files contra: You rely on me, trust me. That's the same with archive.org, we trust archive.org not to manipulate the files. In addition to this: we do not get further updates on mozjs-38 (if it's still developed) because they are now in hg and no longer released on their own. I can only be a drop-in replacement for one version. 2) Use their hg. contra: big terrible archive, possible just from HEAD ("tip" is just that in hg terms, right? I'm not using hg very often). pro: ?!? Impact of this change: I noticed that icecat was building from source. mozjs@38: > Building the following 3 packages would ensure 5 dependent packages are rebuilt: 0ad@0.0.22-alpha gnome-maps@3.26.2 gnome@3.24.3 mozjs@24: > No dependents other than itself: mozjs@24.2.0 mozjs@17: > Building the following 27 packages would ensure 83 dependent packages are rebuilt: connman@1.35 modemmanager-qt@5.39.0 deja-dup@34.3 fprintd@0.7.0 cinnamon-desktop@3.4.2 network-manager-vpnc@1.2.4 network-manager-openvpn@1.8.0 eid-mw@4.3.4 simple-scan@3.24.1 gnome@3.24.3 lxde@0.99.2 mate@1.18.0 polkit-gnome@0.105 kross@5.39.0 kde-frameworkintegration@5.39.0 khtml@5.39.0 kactivities-stats@5.39.0 kmediaplayer@5.39.0 kdelibs4support@5.39.0 kpmcore@2.2.1 krita@ kxmlrpcclient@5.39.0 baloo@5.39.0 kdevelop@5.1.2 python-libvirt@3.7.0 virt-manager@1.4.3 xfce@4.12.0 We get mozjs 17 and 24 from their ftp: > https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/js/ only 38 is affected. Other packages? WOFF is the only package that turns up when I grep for "people.mozilla.com" in gnu/packages/, so this must be fixed aswell. Ideas? Thoughts? Screams of despair? -- GnuPG: A88C8ADD129828D7EAC02E52E22F9BBFEE348588 GnuPG: https://c.n0.is/ng0_pubkeys/tree/keys WWW: https://n0.is