ng0— Je 10 dec 14:30 skribis ng0: > For what it's worth: I've been having crashes with Kodi > for months now. This is worth something: we can now share the pain :-) > Now back on a new system (installed from > my dev branch that is a couple of commits ahead of guix master) > I get a Kodi that has no visible font characters (even with > fonts installed in my profile, and rebooting + fc-cache -vf run) > and an vdpau / nouveau error message on startup. I am using the "intel" X11 module, so it does not appear to be related to which video card one uses. > Were you able to start Kodi before without issues? About a month ago, I could start Kodi without issues, on the same hardware on GuixSD 0.13.0. When I then rolled back to the working version, I could run kodi again. After some more testing, rolling back did not help anymore: kodi kept crashing. I documented it in a thread on this mailinglist about two weeks ago. Yesterday I did a clean install of GuixSD 0.14.0. Ludo' had pointed out that reinstalling the system is not useful, but I tried anyway when 0.14.0 came out (partly because of the inconsistent roll-back behaviour). I think I still have the same problems (at least for the VDPAU error). —Marco