transcribed 0.8K bytes: > In i3-wm my pcmanfm and nautilus, and probably other file systems display all these devices like: > > pts > shm > store > systemd > user > cgroup > blkio > ... > > which browse to /dev/pts, /dev/sdm, /gnu/store, ... when clicked on. > > These things shouldn't appear at all, additionally, my usb drives and extra hard drive are not automounted or recognised in pcmanfm/nautilus. I don't know how to begin debugging this so I'm wondering if anyone else understands what's going on. > > My OS config is here: > It occurs when my config is launched in a VM too so it isn't caused by my config files in HOME. I have the same in an older MATE Desktop (old == not including my new work) on an older, randomly disfunctional computer. They show up on the Desktop as drives, and first appeared many weeks ago. After a couple of reboots they disappear. I think XFCE and iirc awesome show the drives aswell, so I did not consider it to be a bug per se. -- GnuPG: A88C8ADD129828D7EAC02E52E22F9BBFEE348588 GnuPG: WWW: