On Sun, Oct 15, 2017 at 08:41:45PM -0400, Maxim Cournoyer wrote: > >> [0] https://golang.org/doc/code.html#ImportPaths > > I just read that link, and while it's true that they recommend using the > source repository domain as the base path of the library, it is by no > mean an obligation, as noted: > > In practice you can choose any arbitrary path name, as long as it is > unique to the standard library and greater Go ecosystem. > > I personally fail to see how using github.com gives much more uniqueness > to a library name (especially since I expect that most go stuff would be > hosted there) and find it equally disturbing. How hard would it be to go > against this de facto standard? Maybe we could have a procedure that > would strip any domain name from the libraries import paths? Using the domain name as part of the *upstream* library name is useful for upstream authors because of how Go's built-in dependency management tools work. Go integrates dependency management into the language and the `go` tool itself. Re-using the upstream library name is useful because they have already disambiguated for us. I don't intend to be rude, but I'm not going to put much effort into responding to further comments that are not based on knowledge of how Go handles package / dependency management with its built-in tools, or modular programming in Go, in general. Already I used tons of my free time to learn this stuff, just so I could make Guix packages of Go software. Please meet me where I am. Again, I don't see an ethical problem here, so any motivation for me to participate in this discussion, as a volunteer, must be technical. If it's *wrong* to name the packages in this way, I will behave differently.