Hi, I found what prevented the tests to pass in slf4j-api. In slf4j-api/pom.xml, the jar file is created with all classes, except those in impl/. I did the same with a new pase where I delete the impl/ directory and regenerate the jar file. Maybe I should fix teh build.xml file instead? Then, tests pass except for one file. This file is an abstract class meant to be extended by other test cases, but it's not a test case in itself, hence the failure. This time, I implemented another phase where I fix the build.xml file to exclude this file from testing. I'm working on other packages, and it's not the first time I see some tests I need to disable because they shouldn't be run. Maybe I could add arguments to the ant build system, such as #:test-include and #:test-exclude, defaulting to '("**/*.java") and '() respectively? Thank you :)