Hi, Adonay Felipe Nogueira transcribed 1.2K bytes: > The existence of Icedove and absense of Thunderbird in the following > places tell me that the major issues aren't solved yet: > > - [[https://www.parabola.nu/packages/?q=thunderbird]]. > > - > [[https://devel.trisquel.info/trisquel/package-helpers/tree/flidas]]. Flidas > is the codename of the upcoming Trisquel 8. > > - [[https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Icedove]]. Also, > [[https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Thunderbird]] redirects to the first > one. > > As a plus, go to > [[https://libreplanet.org/wiki/List_of_software_that_does_not_respect_the_Free_System_Distribution_Guidelines]], > and *search* for Thunderbird (the links to it in the table of contents > don't work well, you have to search for it). Which major issues? I asked for issues which might exists, the libreplanet.org wiki is notoriously lacking content most of the time or lagging behind and directory.fsf.org isn't up to date aswell for most of the software present there. I'd like to get input on this mailinglist what you consider to be major (and minor) issues. Just for the libreplanet list: "Problem: Recommends non-free software (extensions) and non-free searchplugins. " This is the one problem I am going to address which I know of and it is easy to fix in the package receipe. -- ng0 GnuPG: A88C8ADD129828D7EAC02E52E22F9BBFEE348588 GnuPG: https://n0is.noblogs.org/my-keys https://www.infotropique.org https://krosos.org