Hi, I want to apologize. While I did not mean to attack or make anyones work look bad, it happened nevertheless. Some people will always read between the lines, even when I never have any subtext and always express what I mean. Since Summer/Spring '15 I worked on creating a system, most of the recent energy spend on GuixSD as a base. It is good to deconstruct and re-evaluate ideas from other points of view, this is still going on. Ultimately the decision doesn't depend on myself as we are a small team already. What I think caused my disappointment and annoyance is just being at a turning point of personal events (with the addition of lots of bureaucracy) and the fact that I only started a couple of months ago to reduce the amount of hours I work per week. Before that it was (I once had to calculate this) 85 - 98 hours a week, and taking one day off was an exception. I am currently trying to get back into making music and get some other interests I have back into my life. I hope that the next vacation can happen within the next 3 years, vacation usually (in the ideal case) means getting somewhere where I can absolutely ignore that technology exists. My criticism to some point is still valid, I should just express what I meant to say when I am more relaxed. Sorry. -- ng0 GnuPG: A88C8ADD129828D7EAC02E52E22F9BBFEE348588 GnuPG: https://n0is.noblogs.org/my-keys https://www.infotropique.org https://krosos.org