Hi nee, I just have a quick reply to some of the points below. Good night! nee transcribed 2.9K bytes: > Hello everyone, a few months ago I installed GuixSD 0.12 in a luks > encrypted partition on my laptop. Here are some problems I have with it > so far. > > 1. How do I set the locale in the login manager and Grub. > I have a German keyboard, but the system boots with an english > key-setting and only changes when I enter gnome or xfce (I had to set > them up via their guis). Is there any GuixSD-level setting for this? The > install manual didn't mention it. > It's a real pain to enter my password like this. This is a feature-bug in SLiM and whatever this other login manager is called. I reported a bug on this, and a partial workaround exists. I hope that lightdm can deal with this better. More on the solution either tomorrow or by someone else in the meantime. > 2. I have to enter my disk-encryption-password two times on every boot. > Once before grub and one time when shepard boots up. I have my > bootloader on a diferent drive, might this be related to the issue? This also happens when it is just on one drive. I think there exist cryptsetup solutions with detached heads etc which make this easier to deal with. I haven't tested it in practice. > 3. When I enter one wrong password on the first disk-encryption-prompt > (before grub) I get thrown into a grub console. It should give me a few > more tries. > > 4. ibus is not working in xfce. I copied the paths from the popup of > ibus-setup into my .bashrc, but even after login out, I couldn't get any > program to actually use ibus. I also had no success in gnome later. I > was trying to get Japanease input to work. Can you report a bug on this or check if there's a bug already reported for it? I'm also looking to update the whole lot of XFCE, but this might not solve your problem. > 5. I've been using thunderbird with Enigmail previously. I think I read > on irc that icedove would be the way to go, and that it hasn't been > packaged yet. > Enigmail is really neat, so I wouldn't want to be without it. > > 6. My laptop has an Nvidia and an Intel graphics card, how do I force > intel to be active? > The Nouveau drivers can't do any 3d stuff at a bearable framerate, > probably due to it's dependence on blobs. > I wonder if Intel would perform better. How would I switch between them > on GuixSD? > > 7. I have this wifi stick: > https://www.thinkpenguin.com/gnu-linux/penguin-wireless-n-usb-adapter-gnu-linux-tpe-n150usb > Is the driver already packaged for guixsd? > > * An unrelated story: > I had to install GuixSD twice, because I forgot to punch "(dependencies > mapped-devices)" into my file-system configuration. > So shepard would not boot up properly and after some time I got a guile > debug repl. > I see that this is my own fault, for not reading the docs properly. > I hope the new ncurses installer will help to prevent such mistakes. > > * Not a problem: Touchpad works different > My first observation was that the touchpad was not working correctly. > The touchpad only works for mouse movement. > Clicking by tapping any point on the pad does not work. > Scrolling by moving down/up the right edge does not work. > > I use the hardware buttons below it for clicking, but I wonder, aren't > there some laptops without those? > Later I found out that scrolling works with two fingers and this whole > setup is actually much better, since I do way less misclicks that way! > > * xf86-input-synaptics? > Because I previously tried nixos I directly installed > xf86-input-synaptics with my installation. I never tried to use my > system without it. If it is required it should be mentioned in the docs. > > Have a nice day, and happy hacking on GuixSD! > > -- ng0 OpenPG: A88C8ADD129828D7EAC02E52E22F9BBFEE348588