On 2016-06-12(04:22:15+0200), Andreas Enge wrote: > Hello, > > On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 08:51:28PM +0000, ng0 wrote: > > * gnurl(configure-flags): --with-ca-path=/etc/ssl/certs/ > > my impression is that this absolute path does not do what we would like > it to. Optimally, the user would decide, by installing a certificate bundle > into the profile, which certificates to use. And on a foreign distro, the > random certificate bundle in /etc/ssl/certs, which does not come from Guix, > would be used by the Guix gnurl, which would be surprising. > > Andreas It is not entirely clear to me anymore why this was suggested to me in the past 4 months. I am aware of the differences, so maybe this could point to where ever the /ssl/certs/ are? When you know that gnurl does not need this, we're all good without this change. Gnurl so far is just curl with some project recommended build switches, so if guix' curl detects the ssl/certs/ dir, gnurl should too. -- ♥Ⓐ ng0 For non-prism friendly talk find me on psyced.org / loupsycedyglgamf.onion