Pushed all patches in a1386815503036773a1092554f36d45dd9361efe. It seems the licenses for ghc-wordexp and greenclip is BSD-3-Clause from and < https://hackage.haskell.org/package/greenclip>. Also, your upgrade of ghc-protolude broke the purescript build which depends on ghc-protolude<0.2.4 so I created a secondary ghc-protolude- 0.2 package that purescript now depends on. Think about running "$ guix refresh -l " if you modify any package to check for all its dependents and then try to build all the dependents see if they don't break and if they do break please fix them. That's what I did here. I also fixed lint errors on ghc-wordexp. Think about running "$ guix lint " on any package you are adding or altering before submitting. Thank you!