------- Original Message ------- On Friday, October 21st, 2022 at 19:27, Luis Felipe wrote: > § The problem(s) > > I lose connection twice or three times a day and the system can't connect back automatically when/if it loses connection. Some annecdotal information: I stopped Jami a few days ago and the networking service in my computer stopped giving me trouble. I thought that was odd, so I started using Jami again to check. I had some new messages from contacts, answered to them, and then started to have the same problems indicated below: > When this happens, many times GNOME's WiFi indicator fails to tell me the real state of the connection. Sometimes there is no connection and it says there is, and vice versa. > > I used to be able to restart the networking service as follows: > > ❚ sudo herd stop networking > ❚ sudo herd start networking > > But after upgrading my system (currently 4716cea), the first command just seems to hang and never returns, no matter the terminal I run it on. Ctrl+C does nothing. Actually, after the networking service appears to goes down, all the following commands hang: #+begin_example sudo herd status sudo herd stop networking sudo herd start networking sudo herd restart networking sudo reboot sudo halt sudo shepherd --help #+end_example Pressing =Ctrl+C= has no other effect but to print ^C. It's as if the shepherd itself were down. So I guess that's why I can't restart or turn the machine off from GNOME Shell either, because GNOME's buttons call "halt" and "reboot" (?). Is it really possible for an application like Jami to cause this problem or am I just going loco? (Jami was upgraded with my profile at the same time I upgraded my system)