
I wonder whether it's possible to maintain a channel using gitlab-ci. Any thought or experiences to share?

My idea is to schedule jobs which are refreshing the packages, building/testing them and to provide substitutes.

The channel is meant for Tryton (tryton.org), which consists of about 200 plug-in packages and bug-fixes are published for the LTS version every now and then. The channel should follow these bug-fix releases. Tryton is pure Python, anyhow some dependencies require C, C++ and even rust for building, updating dependencies should be avoided if not all substitutes for all dependencies are available (or maybe deny-list specific dependencies).

The points I'm wondering are:

Why gitlab-ci? Well, the channel will live on a gitlab instance, thus using that infrastructure would simplify things and avoid single users managing processes.

Hartmut Goebel

| Hartmut Goebel          | h.goebel@crazy-compilers.com               |
| www.crazy-compilers.com | compilers which you thought are impossible |