Hello, Guix! My simple script is just using for reconnect to Internet provider from those 2 I use. It works bad. I have internet after PC was booted. And then I have to use this script to connect to another provider (just for to change IP). I run my script with `# ./wpa bee` and it does things but I have no Internet and ping does not find host gnu.org This script stops two services in my system networking wpa-supplicant And then runs them with new wpa-supplicant config. I placed `sleep 2` there between stopping and running services. But did not get it works fine. My new config and using of another Internet provider works after reboot. Also it works without herd just with # wpa_supplicant -B -i wlp2s0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf # dhclient -v I cannot see errors in herd services. Herd services works badly, but hand made connection works fine. Is the deal over 2 seconds of delay? Do I need to increase delay period? Please, what do I need to consider?