Hi, I was wondering if any of you can reproduce the following issue using either Icecat or Chromium (ungoogled). I'm using the Guix System ab6e434 and the official Guix channel, Icecat 102.8.0esr and Chromium 109.0.5414.119. STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Set your desktop environment or web browser to use a dark theme. 2. Visit https://luis-felipe.gitlab.io/texinfo-css/ EXPECTED RESULT The visited page is displayed using its dark style. UNEXPECTED RESULT The visited page is displayed using its light style. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The light/dark themes provided by the visited page are activated correctly when using Epiphany browser in Guix or other web browsers in vaious mobile devices. QUESTIONS Do you know of any defaults in Icecat or Chromium that might be preventing the expected functionality from working correctly? As far as I understand the versions of both Icecat and Chromium in Guix are supposed to support all the features required for automatic color scheme activation to work. Thanks, --- Luis Felipe López Acevedo https://luis-felipe.gitlab.io/