2018-03-15 21:47 GMT+01:00 Muto : > Hello, > > I am running the Guix package manager on Ubuntu (17.10), but whenever I > try to do anything as a non-root user, I get an error: > > failed to connect to `/var/guix/daemon-socket/socket': Connection > refused > > I've tried this for every command listed in 'guix -h' > I can 'chmod -R 777 /var' or 'chmod -R 777 /gnu' but these seem to do > nothing. > > > I get the same "Connection refused" error both on using 'sudo' and with > using Guix as the root account. I can still run all of the programs I > installed via Guix, I just cannot use the package management utility > anymore. > > I'm sorry to be a bother, but I've been a little frustrated with Guix > lately and I could not find a viable solution online. > that's why the help liist exists, no bother :-) Sounds like your daemon is not running Wold you mind to paste the otput of ps -e | grep guix In case it's not running, thhere's an excerpt in the manual about how to make it run It's the step no. 5 in the "Binaty Installation" chapter It's strange that your daemon is not running Maybe you used the experimental script in order to install your guix ? Anyway, paste te output of that line, then we'll see how to procede Hope this hepls ! Ciao :-) > -- > Thank you in advance. -Muto > https://muto.ca/ > >