Hello Jack,

you could also try to make sense of the individual profile generation

The union of those should give a farily comprehensive list, and it comes with versions.

2019. jan. 15., K 22:29 dátummal Jack Hill <jackhill@jackhill.us> ezt írta:
Thanks! I'm still not quite there, but the suggestion below have been
quite helpful in my thinking and experimentation.

On Thu, 10 Jan 2019, Efraim Flashner wrote:

> For packages you have installed in your profile
> 'guix package -I | cut -f1,2 --output-delimiter=@ | sort -u' gives a
> nice list. Perhaps someone else has an idea for the list from your
> os-config.

I think I have an answer for the OS config: pass the --profile option to
guix package, so the guix package command becomes 'guix package
--profile=/var/guix/profiles/system/profile -I'

> Although the code above doesn't take into account build inputs and
> packages that are in your binaries' paths. For that my two initial ideas
> are 'guix package -I | cut -f1 | sort -u | xargs guix size' or
> 'guix package -I | cut -f1 | sort -u | guix refresh --list-transitive'
> and some more shell scripting to get the package and version.

Yes, I did want to inputs in the list as well. However, I worry that
calculating these by passing package names to the current guix may
inadvertently list newer inputs than were used by the, potentially older,
guix that instantiated the profile.


Best regards,