Hi all, I've been playing around with docker containers and guix (both to package software, and to eventually fit "building guix packages" into a docker-based CI pipeline). The guix manual mentions that apart from `guix pack`, `guix system` can also build docker images of whole system configs, which seemed fitting, but it lacks an example, and I'm a bit unclear on some points. In particular, I don't know what to set for the bootloader and file-systems options in the system config, as neither really applies to a docker container (I tried not setting them at all, but guix doesn't allow that). When trying with dummy values (taken from my own system config), `guix system docker-image system.scm` fails to build the guix-docker-image.tar.gz.drv, and the build log contains /gnu/store/...bash-5.0.16/bin/bash: nix: command not found which doesn't really help. I'm on a current guix system, i.e. `guix describe` gives: guix 069399e repository URL: https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git branch: master commit: 069399ee9dbf75b7c89583f03346a63b2cfe4ac6 Thanks! ~stuebinm [1] https://guix.gnu.org/manual/en/html_node/Invoking-guix-system.html