Hi guix ! I continue to dig into guix home, and thanks of ~dominicm src hut dotfile repo (Yubikey config works !) and your help on previous message on this mailling list, everything goes pretty well … But … actually, i’m stuck with a mutable configuration with my password management. Using password-manager (pass) with tomb () and pass-tomb extension seems not possible due to read write problem. Guix home create symbolic link with file in read mode, so how so you manage dotfile in this case ? (simple-service `pass-secret-service home-files-service-type `((“.password.tomb” ,(local-file “../secrets/password.tomb”)) )))) Output of tomb command : bash-5.1$ tomb open .password.tomb .tomb-real . Commanded to open tomb .password.tomb .tomb-real [W] Tomb file is not writable: .password.tomb .tomb-real [E] Tomb command failed: open It’s possible to open passing option “-o ro” for mounting in read only, but it’s not very interesting if you want to create/store new password :) Best regads,