Benjamin Slade skribis: > I'm trying to run my long-standing stumpwm init.lisp on a recent Guix install, > using the packaged stumpwm, however when it launches, it fails to process the > init.lisp and gives me an "Don't know how to REQUIRE sb-cltl2." error. > > I've set the SBCL_HOME variable both in .xprofile and in the init.lisp itself [via `(sb-posix:putenv "SBCL_HOME=/run/current-system/profile/lib/sbcl/")' ], but this doesn't seem to help. > > Is there a good way around this? (On my other system I just compile stumpwm from source and install; I don't know if that makes a difference here.) > >  —Ben Instead of setting SBCL_HOME, could you try adding something like '(push "/path/to/lib/sbcl/contrib/" asdf:*central-registry*)' at the beginning of your "init.lisp" file? As stumpwm doesn't use the sb-cltl2 contrib, it is not included in the stumpwm compiled binary. But telling ASDF where it can find it and then using '(asdf:load-system :sb-cltl2)' or '(require :sb-cltl2)' should work. If it doesn't, you could also try loading it directly with '(load "/path/to/lib/sbcl/contrib/sb-cltl2.fasl")'.