OK, I've nailed it! I was mistaken about the "3 pulseaudio processes" I mentioned before, those actually were ├─pulseaudio(500,499,ambrevar)─┬─{alsa-sink-ALC25}(509,499) │ └─{alsa-source-ALC}(510,499) But htop did not display them that explicitly. So nothing odd there. Following Chris suggestion, I used `pstree -ugh` which revealed that the additional processes were started by my `conky` config. I have no clue why this only happens on the first relogging. Here is the conky config excerpt that I use to query the state/volume: --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8--- ${if_match "${exec pactl list sinks | awk '/^\tMute:/ {print $2;exit}'}" == "no"}\ ^fg(grey)♪^fg(DeepSkyBlue)\ ${exec pactl list sinks | awk '/^\tVolume:/ {print $5;exit}'}\ ${endif}\ --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8--- The `pactl` calls triggers pulseaudio. There is obviously a race condition when I relog too fast. Probably a Pulseaudio bug, don't know. I tried to to add a check whether pulseaudio is running or not: --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8--- ${if_match "${exec if pgrep pulseaudio; then pactl list sinks | awk '/^\tMute:/ {print $2;exit}'; fi}" == "no"}\ ^fg(grey)♪^fg(DeepSkyBlue)\ ${exec if pgrep pulseaudio; then pactl list sinks | awk '/^\tVolume:/ {print $5;exit}'; fi}\ ${endif}\ --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8--- It does not seem to work. Anyways, it's brittle to parse pactl and using conky makes it even worse. Would you know any alternative to pactl and/or conky? i3status does not seem to cut it either. -- Pierre Neidhardt