Ry, [PSA: It's just ‘[GNU] Guix’, never ‘GUIX’ :-) I'm not sure why the ‘GUIX’ meme appears to be picking up steam again as of late…] Ry Pemberton via 写道: > I have an X1 Carbon (2021) that requires sof-firmware. It is > libre > software, and I believe is included in the linux-libre kernel > since > 5.2. Is there a way to get this firmware working on this laptop > with > GNU GUIX? I tried to start a basic SOF package (attached), but quickly ran into ‘The GNU C library is currently unavailable for this platform.’ Without a cross-libc the build fails, looking for , which AFAICT is provided (only) by libc. I've never cross-compiled firmware before so I don't know any next steps. Of course, this being ostensibly libre software, we could package prebuilt binaries[0] as I'm sure 99% of users actually use. It's not a good option, and hardly Guixy, but not unprecedented. Kind regards, T G-R [0]: https://github.com/thesofproject/sof-bin/