Hi Garjola! Garjola Dindi 写道: > I have added the following to my ~/.basrhc as indicated in the > manual: > > ,----[ bash ] > | export > PATH="/home/garjola/.config/guix/current/bin${PATH:+:}$PATH" Which mad-Max manual indicates this? Not [my copy of] Guix's: “(1) Users sometimes wrongfully augment environment variables such as 'PATH' in their '~/.bashrc' file. As a consequence, when 'guix environment' launches it, Bash may read '~/.bashrc', thereby introducing "impurities" in these environment variables. It is an error to define such environment variables in '.bashrc'; instead, they should be defined in '.bash_profile', which is sourced only by log-in shells. *Note (bash)Bash Startup Files::, for details on Bash start-up files.” -- info "(guix)Invoking guix environment" Adding PATH to .bashrc is almost always a mistake, and round that up to ‘always’. As a Guix System user I'm less familiar with GUIX_LOCPATH, but the manual doesn't suggest adding it either. > Actually, despite the configuration in .bashrc Side note: sourcing /etc/profile configures your environment to ‘see’ Guix-installed software. It does not configure Guix, which will install to ~/.guix-profile unless you specify another one with --profile= (-p). > the packages do not get installed in the $HOME tree, but in > /var/..../per-user/. Lo: ~ λ ls -l ~/.guix-profile lrwxrwxrwx 1 nckx nckx 45 Sep 28 09:01 /home/nckx/.guix-profile -> /var/guix/profiles/per-user/nckx/guix-profile/ Unless something has gone *very* wrong, your installed packages should show up under both /var/... and ~/.guix-profile alike. > The $HOME tree only contains the guix binaries: > > ,----[ bash ] > | $ ls ${HOME}/.config/guix/current/bin > | guix guix-daemon > `---- This is good: ~/.config/guix/current is not ~/.guix-profile. The latter is your default profile, where ‘guix install’ and friends install software. The former is exclusively for use by ‘guix pull’ and provides the ‘guix’ command itself, to avoid a chicken-and-egg problem. > The most annoying thing is that the programs are not in the path I don't want to presume what you mean: that they're not where you thought they would be (not in ~/.config/guix), or that you can't actually run them (not in PATH)? There's nothing wrong with any of the directories you mentioned. If you can run Guix-installed software from the shell immediately after installing it, I'd say that the /var thing is just a quirk of running Guix on a foreign distribution. Quite a few regulars do so, some on Debian. I'll let them correct me if I'm wrong (and explain the mystery that is GUIX_LOCPATH). Kind regards, T G-R