Philip Beadling writes: > I've thought about doing this for Channel definitions, and also for packages in my own channel. > > One thing that struck me is Skribilio might be a more interesting literate format, given its written in Guile too. > IMHO, using S-exps for blogging is not a very good idea. Because you lose the readability of plain text. That's why I prefer Org. Anyway, if you really need to use Guile to process your literate documents, run Org on Guile Emacs, which runs Emacs Lisp on Guile. > > ________________________________ > From: Help-Guix on behalf of jgart > Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2022 11:50:15 PM > To: Guix Help > Subject: GNU Guix Channel with Babel > > Hi, has anyone tried to create a GNU Guix channel as org babel file(s) > that get untangled and serve a dual purpose as a blog describing the > channel packages, reasons for packaging them, etc? > > The blog would get generated and published via HTTP and/or gemini. > -- Akib Azmain Turja Find me on Mastodon at This message is signed by me with my GnuPG key. Its fingerprint is: 7001 8CE5 819F 17A3 BBA6 66AF E74F 0EFA 922A E7F5