Phil, Phil 写道: > I have a substitute server running trivially using http, That's all ‘guix publish’ does; it doesn't speak HTTPS. That's by design (at least I hope it is): TLS should be handled by a separate, well-audited proxy layer. Ideally one written in C. > but there doesn't seem to be anything in the manual about > how/where > to configure my certificate file, etc, to run a server over > https. I use nginx to proxy my local ‘guix publish’ server[0]. I think that's what everyone[1][2][3] does. Basically: server { server_name; listen [::]:443 ssl http2; listen 443 ssl http2; listen [::]:80; listen 80; ssl_certificate /etc/tls/; ssl_certificate_key /etc/tls/; ssl_trusted_certificate /etc/tls/; set $upstream; # hack to respect TTL location = /nix-cache-info { proxy_pass http://$upstream:3000; } location ~ /(file|log|nar) { proxy_pass http://$upstream:3000; } location / { # /*.narinfo proxy_pass http://$upstream:3000; } [...several pages of caching, APIs, &c. snipped...] } You'd probably use ‘localhost’ since your publisher is probably not running on a separate node. Kind regards, T G-R [0]: [1]: [2]: [3]: