Hi, Gottfried writes: > 1. > Did you install only lilypond and use it? > When I installed it, there was no icon/symbol in my menu > so I didn’t know how to open lilypond. Lilypond is a commandline program that turns textual descriptions of the score into a PDF (or midi). You use lilypond THE_FILENAME.ly to create the document, so automation is much easier. You edit the .ly-files with any text editor you choose. > 2. > How could I have opened lilypond? If you open a command shell, you should be able to simply type lilypond (or, on Windows: lilypond.exe) to run it. > 4. > I would have to learn it from scratch > and additionally through importing songs from Musescore > I would see what the code looks like. That’s one of the advantages of lilypond: you actually see what it does. It’s the LaTeX of music and provides the most beautiful scores. Best wishes, Arne -- Unpolitisch sein heißt politisch sein, ohne es zu merken. draketo.de