znavko@disroot.org writes: > Hello! I use pcmanfm and everything works fine. > But when I open Downloads folder from IceCat it is opening in Thunar that has ugly behavior. > When I click on any file it cannot run an Application with this error: > > Failed to open filename.csv > Failed to execute child process 'gio-launch-desktop' (No such file or directory). > > Screen: > http://0x0.st/iezi.png (http://0x0.st/iezi.png) > > I use Xfce4 desktop. > How can I fix it? This problem has been fixed on the soon-to-be-merged 'core-updates' branch. Pulling that branch should be safe as no big rebuilds are scheduled at this point, and you get to help out Guix development by testing it! To get it, use 'guix pull --branch=core-updates' or adjust your channels.scm. If using "core-updates" is impractical, you can work around this issue in the meantime by adding (list glib "bin") in the 'packages' field of your operating-system declaration. HTH! Marius