Hello everyone, With help from the community, I got guix installed in my main desktop in a partition. I also have another partition with manjaro and guix on top (manjaro is the foreign distribution). The problem with my bare metal guix installation is that it is hanging during boot when it tries to find free firmware for my wifi, and can't find. I don't need wifi because I got cabled internet. After speaking in the bug list and researching a little, I found this issue and I'm trying to add exactly the lines at https://issues.guix.gnu.org/53712#13 to blacklist iwlwifi, which seems to be a workaround. I mounted guixsd partition from manjaro and added the lines to blacklist iwlwifi. But after that ... how can I reconfigure the system from manjaro, reboot and use guix? I thought maybe I can try to use chroot somehow, but I'm not sure how to proceed. If anyone knows a simpler way, please I wanna know. crodges