Hi! guile-studio has two windows with guile command-line shell, that is too much for my tiny wish. I finally made config with two things I wished: 1) auto parentheses completion 2) highlight parentheses. When the first task was not so difficult, as instructions here were exact: https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ParEdit For guix I installed emacs-paredit: # guix install emacs-paredit and added some lines into /root/.emacs (Want to note that my /root/.emacs.d/init.el did not do any sense I do not know its features in guix, need always to use ~/.emacs) Then the solution of the second task laid through ugly page, where everything not works at all!! https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/HighlightParentheses "highlight-parentheses is part of ELPA that goes with emacs out of the box since 24-th version" said there. Not works with the error that highlight-parentheses-mode is unknown. Also I downloaded highlight-parentheses.el from the link on that page and tried to include it into .emacs. "Not for you in this life!" was the true main idea of all those recommendations. But in happy end I found "Show Paren Mode": https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ShowParenMode that works nice with only lines in my .emacs and also some color editing. I attach my .emacs # cp ~/.emacs /home/bob/znavko-.emacs This line: (setq show-paren-style 'expression) highlights the whole expression with grey color: (set-face-background 'show-paren-match "#efefef") I do that just for editing my system's config.scm for experiments with sudo. I'd wish "Perfect Installation" section in the Guix Manual includes more about emacs config. Thanks. December 10, 2020 3:19 PM, "zimoun" wrote: > Hi, > > On Thu, 03 Dec 2020 at 18:55, znavko@disroot.org wrote: > >> I want emacs brushes my code making indents and auto-completing it closing parentheses. >> It does not do nothing now. Only highlights it. >> >> Could you please tell how to force emacs work deeply with my code :) >> for it becomes wonderful for further copy-pasting here in Guix Help :)) ?? > > Maybe you could give a look at the experimental package guile-studio. > Maybe it is the kind of out-of-the-box setup you want. I do not know. > > I am not convinced that a copy/pasting Emacs setup is the right > direction, since the Emacs philosophy is the very opposite: make the > tool corresponding to your own needs. > > HTH, > simon