Benvenuti Guixers, i wanted to share a time riddle which i'm unable to solve. Actually my timezone is aligned to : (timezone "Europe/Rome") Yet, system time is 1h 20m behind the official one ~$ date ven 1 nov 2019, 21.49.30, CET (23.09 at the time of writing) My system was installed with the graphical installer, guix version 1.0.1, Mate DE. Looking at the machine symptoms, i've found found the following errors from log 'messages': shepherd[1]: Service ntpd has been started. ntpd[288]: ntpd 4.2.8p13@1.3847-o Mon Mar 18 23:20:45 UTC 2019 (1): Starting ntpd[288]: Commandline: /gnu/store/c7lsm0nkrdkp1rapg6qkrr6121d1g2nh-ntp-4.2.8p13/bin/ntpd -n -c /gnu/store/1l1yf5dss8r9pqxklaax32s6bkah09c6-ntpd.conf -u ntpd ntpd[288]: proto: precision = 1.676 usec (-19) ntpd[288]: baseday_set_day: invalid day (25556), UNIX epoch substituted ntpd[288]: basedate set to 1970-01-01 ntpd[288]: gps base set to 1980-01-05 (week 0) ntpd[288]: restrict default: KOD does nothing without LIMITED. ntpd[288]: restrict ::: KOD does nothing without LIMITED. ntpd[288]: Listen and drop on 0 v6wildcard [::]:123 ntpd[288]: Listen and drop on1 v4wildcard ntpd[288]: Listen normally on 2 lo ntpd[288]: Listen normally on 3 lo [::1]:123 ntpd[288]: Listening on routing socket on fd #20 for interface updates ntpd[288]: kernel reports TIME_ERROR: 0x41: Clock Unsynchronized ntpd[288]: kernel reports TIME_ERROR: 0x41: Clock Unsynchronized ntpd[288]: Listen normally on 4 wlp2s0 ntpd[288]: bind(24) AF_INET6 fe80::1037:b214:ca40:cfe4%3#123 flags 0x11 failed: Cannot assign requested address ntpd[288]: unable to create socket on wlp2s0 (5) for fe80::1037:b214:ca40:cfe4%3#123 ntpd[288]: failed to init interface for address fe80::1037:b214:ca40:cfe4%3 ntpd[288]: Listen normally on 6 wlp2s0 [fe80::1037:b214:ca40:cfe4%3]:123 Am i missing some additional configuration for time updating properly ? Thank you very much, fondly, Matias