> On 20-07-2022 17:03, phodina wrote: > >>> OK, though then this is a draft patch that's blocked by supporting gradle and Android; Guix is a build-from-source distro (there are some bootstrap seeds, but the idea is to reduce them, not enlarge them). >> >> I understand that the aim is to reduce the prebuild stuff not vice versa that's why I labeled it here. One solution could be to replace the location by specifying some env variable and the user would supply either the prebuild version from the repo or build it themself e.g. in Docker. >> >> This way the package would not have any prebuild files. Would that be okay? > > The package would not have prebuild files, but the user will have to download some prebuild files anyway, so effectively the problem of prebuild files remains (the user has to trust some random download location to have an unbackdoored binary, that they can not inspect, and while they can modify the source code, it's useless because they can't compile it; Guix cannot exercise freedom 1). > > Also, one of the primary tasks of a package manager is to keep track of dependencies, automatically installing the (non-optional) dependencies, which seems incompatible with telling a user to grab a dependency from outside the package manager. > > As such, I believe this not to be okay, and that it is required to make gradle & Android things functional first. I also don't want to trust unknown sources and prefer to run executables build from sources. That's why I'm interested in Guix. It's true that the task of the package manager should be to track down dependencies and leaving it to runtime check is reciepe for disaster. So this package has to be labeled as a draft until Android build system is provided and the server binary can be reproducibly built. ---- Petr