Hi Guix, Here is a patch to update polybar. There were some slight tweaks needed: new input, remove unneeded native-input, and change where the default configuration file is installed (from /etc) to #$output/etc/xdg. This last change may look slightly different from the default behavior, but this will put it where it should be found using XDG_CONFIG_DIRS. This was made in the change to polybar that also moved/altered the configuration installation: https://github.com/polybar/polybar/commit/282b0f4e73e9cbb68afd6e168c472e3f422e9a6f#diff-6b4c594394f4751f9012dc3889b278312f0e7275ab48edbe3b02d434e183aa52 I tested that it builds and polybar will find this default configuration file when no config is otherwise found or specified. The default bar looked fine to me. Note that I did test this where I do have XDG_CONFIG_DIRS set for that profile anyway. Thanks! John