> I believe this patchset to be mostly finished. This patchset builds successfully. I am able to bring up the main jami GUI. But, it tries to connect to the Jami daemon, fails and quits immediately. I get a message box which says "Could not re-connect to the Jami daemon (dring). Jami will now quit." Am I missing something? Do I need to start dring somehow? > Maybe because I'm on EXWM? It used to work a couple months ago though. I'm also on EXWM. I don't see any dconf errors in my console output. Instead, I see the following. ** (jami-gnome:21234): WARNING **: 00:13:08.460: dring has possibly crashed, or has been killed... will wait 2.5 seconds and try to r econnect ** (jami-gnome:21234): WARNING **: 00:13:10.977: Error : dring is not available, make sure it is running ** (jami-gnome:21234): WARNING **: 00:13:10.977: Error : dring is not available, make sure it is running ** (jami-gnome:21234): WARNING **: 00:13:10.977: could not reconnect to the daemon