Hi, > + (let ((commit "baff02a14b3f70f0d0a55bef550dbb74dcbf0ce8") > + (version (git-version "1.5.0-RC2" revision commit)) > + (commit commit))) Is this an actual upstream version? If so, 'git-version' is not necessary here. Also, do we want to package release candidates, or only regular releases? > + #t)))) Not necessary anymore. > + (for-each delete-file-recursively > + '("winlibs" "maclibs")) What is the reason for removal? (bundling, nonfree, broken, ...?) > + "CONFIG+=no_epwing_support" Why not support 'epwing', whatever that is? > + https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/217b221/pkgs/applications/misc/goldendict/0001-dont-check-for-updates.patch This will do, but ideally upstream would just have some kind of configuration flag that distributions could set. > + "Feature-rich dictionary lookup program") + (description + "GoldenDict is a feature-rich dictionary lookup program, +supporting multiple dictionary formats (StarDict, Babylon, Lingvo, Dictd, AARD, +MDict, SDict) and online dictionaries, featuring perfect article renderin This is leaning a bit against the ‘no marketing phrases rule’ from (guix)Synopses and Descriptions. Greetings, Maxime.