On 26-08-2022 18:57, Nicolas Graves wrote:

A bit of a nitpick, but Yin Kagkai was not involved in this patch, I
wrote it myself ...
... the commenting syslog thing was an unrelated patch, maybe various
commits were squashed?
Sorry, I should have explained.
Applying both pull requests 6 and 8 failed because 3 lines were common
to both.
Hm, I didn't encounter that, maybe I accidentally removed one of the pre-existing patches or even removed my own patch.
I resolved that by merging both and recreating a new patch, thus giving
credit to both authors. Is that OK ?

OK, but some commit messages are getting lost, maybe add a link to the two upstream PRs to make clear it's a combination of multiple independent -- Yin Kangkai did some presumably useful things, but it's not adding error handling unlike what the current patch message and file name implies.
