On 20-09-2022 14:58, Nicolas Graves via Guix-patches via wrote: > > I am trying to get a vosk package to work for guix. > The build process is a bit tricky with replaced dependencies etc. > > The team from vosk uses a version where they replace fortran by having > both openblas and clapack in libraries (which is incompatible in the > base kaldi configuration, so they have their own fork). > > I don't know why exactly the library should be called from another > place, but when compiling kaldi with clapack, I get the following > message (and siblings): > > ld: /gnu/store/yvc2w9mg554y6i4frvahjhacj0np9c7s-clapack-3.2.1/lib/liblapack.a(ssptrf.c.o): relocation R_X86_64_32 against `.rodata.str1.1' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC > > I actually does work when recompiling with this flag, but I've also read > that it might make the package a bit slower. > > In case it might help to answer, here's where I am for this package, > although not done yet (I still do have to untangle some ffi segmentation > fault issue) : > https://git.sr.ht/~ngraves/dotfiles/tree/main/item/packages/vosk.scm > > What is the best option / course of action ? 'kaldi' is compiled as a shared library. However, going by the error message, it is linked to the (static!) clapack. IIUC, this is not a problem per se (the static library would be embedded into the shared library IIUC) -- however, shared libraries must be position-independent, whereas static libraries aren't by default. As such, there appear to be three potential solutions: * compile the static library as -fPIC (your patch) * let kaldi link to a shared clapack (which is -fPIC by default) * let 'kaldi' (and its dependent, vosk) be a static library instead of a shared library. Is likely problematic due to 'python-vosk' though. Both 'real' solutions have -fPIC (explicit or implied), so I don't think we have to worry about performance. My default option for deciding between static and shared is 'shared' (makes 'clapack' graftable, and better interaction with "guix build --repair" and "guix gc --references"). Hence, my proposed (and untested) solution is to make 'kaldi' link to a shared clapack. Greetings, Maxime.