On 2024-02-18 14:39:23 +0200, Efraim Flashner wrote: > I pushed the patches to the rust-team branch without the change for > cargo-native-inputs and without the snippet for prost-build. I also > adjusted some of the patches so that the packages built. Well I am just happy it was merged, so no complains here, but I have to admit I am curious. Is it really expected that every user of prost-build will need to add protobuf into native-inputs? What if, in some new version, it starts requiring some-other-package instead of protobuf? All the downstream users will need to be adjusted as well. That seems somewhat sub-optimal. So I am trying to understand the reasoning here. Thanks and have a nice day, Tomas Volf -- There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation, naming things and off-by-one errors.