Ludo', Ludovic Courtès wrote: > So, depending on the client, ‘guix publish’ should return either > a > narinfo-for-gzip or a narinfo-for-lzip. To make it possible, > new > clients could send an extra HTTP header, say > ‘X-Guix-Compression’, that > would specify their preferred compression method(s). ‘guix > publish’ > would take that into account when replying. There's a standard[0] HTTP header for that: ‘Accept-Encoding’. Unfortunately (and for reasons that I cannot fathom), it doesn't use standard MIME types, but pseudostandard strings like ‘gzip’ and ‘br’. We can boldly add ‘lzip’ to that :-) Similarly, servers can send ‘Content-Encoding’[1] HTTP headers, but I don't see a need for it here. Kind regards, T G-R [0]: [1]: