Hey Guix! I have for a while wanted to write an importer for MELPA packages that reads from the MELPA recipe and constructs a Guix package. This is primarily because the ELPA importer uses source tarballs, which we can't rely on for MELPA because they remove old tarballs and upload new ones whenever they rebuild the package. So, here is my importer! Probably the most controversial decision here is to always import the current head that MELPA would build. This means that when you run "guix import melpa" it gives you a package definition that should correspond to what MELPA currently has. This may not correspond to a release of the package, so we cannot easily give it a version, and thus I put the current date into the version string. I imagine it would be possible to combine this importer with the current ELPA one in some way, to use all the metadata provided by the ELPA importer, but then generate an origin based on the MELPA recipe, but that seemed more daunting to me than writing a new importer. Carlo