On 2018-05-01, Danny Milosavljevic wrote: > For an eventual u-boot-installer, how do you install u-boot on wandboard? > > And how do we detect that we have to use this kind of installation method based on u-boot's .config ? An interesting idea... I had thought about making an SD image either as a separate target, or integrating it into u-boot-BOARD for targets that support booting from SD. > For comparison, for sunxi, it's: > > .config contains CONFIG_SYS_SOC="sunxi" => install via "dd if=u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/dev/sdX bs=1024 seek=8". I've been using: https://salsa.debian.org/debian/u-boot/blob/master/debian/u-boot-imx.README.Debian Which pretty much comes down to: dd conv=fsync,notrunc if=SPL of=DEVICE|IMAGEFILE bs=1k seek=1 dd conv=fsync,notrunc if=u-boot.img of=DEVICE|IMAGEFILE bs=1k seek=69 That works on wandboard and mx6cuboxi, as well as several other imx6 targets. The novena target requires u-boot.img to be copied to the first partition with a fat or ext filesystem, and only the SPL is written to the raw device. With usbarmory (imx5), only the u-boot.img portion is installed directly to the raw device at the offset above; there is no SPL. CONFIG_SPL=y seems to be the best indicator that it needs SPL, and as far as I know with CONFIG_MX[5,6]=y SPL is always installed to the same offset. It's less obvious to me comparing other configuration options what determines which method is needed for u-boot.img. Maybe with recent u-boot versions, it's possible to use either an offset or read it from a filesystem with a single image; I didn't have much luck with that in the past. I'll experiment a little more and see what I can figure out. live well, vagrant