Robert Vollmert writes: > I was able to run both tests from the build directory in /tmp, > and they both passed fine. Also they both involve user ids, I > suspect those might differ in the build container? > > main = do > void $ forkIO $ forever $ getGroupEntryForID 0 > void $ forkIO $ forever $ getGroupEntryForID 0 > threadDelay (3*1000*1000) > > main = do > root <- getUserEntryForName "root" > putStrLn (ue2String root) > root' <- getUserEntryForID (userID root) > putStrLn (ue2String root') > if homeDirectory root == homeDirectory root' && > userShell root == userShell root' > then putStrLn "OK" > else putStrLn “Mismatch" The only reliable user ID available in the build container is 'nobody' with UID and GID 65534 and the (see nix/libstore/ You can likely patch these tests to refer to that instead.