Hi, this patch removes the gnome-console nautilus extension as it crashes nautilus (at least on my machine). In my opinion it is safe to remove it, as this feature is implemented directly into nautilus-43 and the original code is purged from the gnome-console repo. (see https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/nautilus/-/merge_requests/911 and https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/console/-/commit/c4bd2312f4b432a33810a8dcdf3cadabae5169d7) This sadly means, that in nautilus-42 there will be no "Open in Console", but the issue is on some code that is already deprecated in the Console repo. (I have studied gdb info and it appears that kgx_nautilus_get_background_items() returns a GList* that is { .next = NULL, .prev = NULL, .data = NULL } but nautilus does only perform a check that GList* is NULL, otherwise it expects a valid list) I can maybe supply a patch to gnome-console, but I don't see a reason to. Kind regards, Maya