Taiju HIGASHI writes: > (default-font-serif-family "Noto Serif CJK JP") > (default-font-sans-serif-family "Noto Sans Serif CJK JP") > (default-font-monospace-family "PlemolJP Console") Does this take a list as value? Because I have specified some fallback fonts in my configuration. I directly use sxml to serialize the config file right now. Below is a portion of it. It would be great if I could use this home-service without writing extra sxml code once it gets merged. #+begin_src scheme (alias (@ (binding "strong")) (family "sans-serif") (prefer (family "WenQuanYi Micro Hei") (family "Noto Sans"))) (alias (@ (binding "strong")) (family "monospace") (prefer (family "Sarasa Mono CL") (family "Inconsolata") (family "Noto Mono"))) #+end_src