Hi Ivan, I've merged your changes as 2444abd9c124cc55f8f19a0462e06a2094f25a9d. Thank you for taking the time to write this patch series! Now let's start importing some crates! :-) Some minor feedback for next time (I've made these minor changes on your behalf already): - In the ChangeLog, we generally capitalize the heading and add a period. - In the manual, we put two spaces after periods, not one. - The tests/crate.scm began failing when you changed the importer logic; I have taken the liberty of fixing it. - When listing many parts that changed, you can write it like this, instead of listing it on 3 separate lines: (maybe-cargo-inputs, maybe-cargo-development-inputs) (maybe-arguments): Add them. That's all. Thanks again! I'm closing this now. -- Chris