Roman! Roman Scherer 写道: > [roman@thinkpad guix]$ ./pre-inst-env guix lint cdo […] > error: html->sxml: unbound variable This is probably solved by running the command above in a guix shell: $ guix shell guix -- ./pre-inst-env guix lint cdo ‘pre-inst-env’ sets up some environment (variables) like GUILE_LOAD_PATH to ensure that Guix can run from your local git checkout, but nothing more. Most importantly, it does not create a full Guix profile with the numerous dependencies of the ‘guix’ package — including the ‘guile-lib’ package that provides HTML->SXML. That's what the ‘guix shell’ is for. It's a clean alternative to ‘guix install’ing all these guile-* packages into your user profile. Both work. Kind regards, T G-R