Hi Michael, OK, that's what I expected, but I had to ask. Thanks! May I publicly (hah) share your message to definitively close this ‘bug’ report? Michael Albinus 写道: > search engines will have indexed those bugs > the bugs are spread via mailing lists I might've been unclear: their request was not, AIUI, to make the data disappear from ‘the Internet’ or its archives, so neither of the above are relevant. I agree that that would have been ludicrous, but it is perfectly possible to edit your hosted copy… …however, it's absolutely your prerogative to refuse as far as I'm concerned[0], and I do sympathise with you not wanting to set this kind of precedent. Thanks for entertaining the question anyway! :-) Kind regards, T G-R [0]: IANA(GDPR)L, and very glad of it.