Hi Ludo, thanks for taking a look. Here's a new patch. I changed the patch to not use define-public and I'm exporting the repack-jar function now as per your suggestion. I also updated the commit message to (hopefully) match the changelog style. Is that correct now? I did not add the #:jar-timestamp parameter because there is one more difference. The strip-jar-timestamps function in the Ant build system changes the timestamp of all files in the JAR. The reset-class-timestamps function in the Clojure build system sets the timestamp of only the class files. I could add another parameter called "extension" to the strip-jar-timestamps function if you prefer that. It would default to "*", matching all filenames and use it with "*.class" from the Clojure build system. I have the feeling the repack-jar function is more flexible as is, but I'm open to doing this change or any other suggestion you have. Wdyt? Roman