sending 3 store items (0 MiB) to ''... ;;; [2019/08/19 12:21:33.409456, 0] write_to_channel_port: [GSSH ERROR] Remote channel is closed: # Backtrace: In ice-9/eval.scm: 619:8 19 (_ #(#(#))) In guix/ui.scm: 1692:12 18 (run-guix-command _ . _) In guix/store.scm: 623:10 17 (call-with-store _) In srfi/srfi-1.scm: 640:9 16 (for-each # …) In guix/scripts/deploy.scm: 96:20 15 (_ _) In ice-9/boot-9.scm: 829:9 14 (catch _ _ # …) In guix/store.scm: 1803:24 13 (run-with-store # _ # _ …) In unknown file: 12 (_ # #<…> …) 11 (_ # #<…> …) 10 (_ # #<…> …) In guix/monads.scm: 482:9 9 (_ _) In unknown file: 8 (_ # #<…> …) In guix/remote.scm: 134:10 7 (_ _) In guix/store.scm: 1696:38 6 (_ #) In guix/ssh.scm: 358:4 5 (send-files # _ _ # _ # …) In guix/store.scm: 1568:12 4 (export-paths # _ # …) 1548:22 3 (export-path # _ # …) 697:13 2 (process-stderr _ _) 660:10 1 (dump-port # # …) In unknown file: 0 (put-bytevector # # …) ERROR: In procedure put-bytevector: Throw to key `guile-ssh-error' with args `("write_to_channel_port" "Remote channel is closed" # #f)'.