Dear guix, In bug #29337 I reported a “problem” with our Bash package: It reads /etc/bashrc even when it shouldn't, according to its own documentation. I also compared the behavior of Bash on CentOS to that of Bash on Guix with the following test: > On CentOS 7, the following happens (yes, I added the echo-statement to > /etc/bashrc on CentOS as well): > $ env - bash --init-file <(echo "echo \"Goodbye, world\"") -i > Goodbye, world > > On GuixSD: > $ env - bash --init-file <(echo "echo \"Goodbye, world\"") -i > Hello, world > Goodbye, world I attached the proposed patch (removing -DSYS_BASHRC). May I push this to core-updates now, or should I wait for the next core-updates cycle? Thanks! Kind regards, Roel Janssen